The Difference Between ABS Lockers and PP Lockers

The cost of ABS (Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) plastics is much higher than that of PP (polypropylene) 
plastics. Many small manufacturers with incomplete qualifications pass PP lockers off as ABS ones. Therefore, Topper Locker Maker would like to share the difference between ABS lockers and PP lockers.

Some properties of ABS are the same as the PP's. At the same time, ABS also has some other properties that PP doesn't have. ABS plastics are composed of three compositions while PP plastics are composed of one. For lockers, PP plastics are suitable for some corrosion-resistant lockers for storing some chemical reagents. The lockers made of ABS plastics have a wide range of uses, for instance, they can be used in offices or sauna rooms. The specific differences between ABS lockers and PP lockers are as follows.

The notch
The notch of ABS is white while the notch of PP is dark black, yellow, or other colors.

The smell of burning
ABS products have a little sweetness when burning, and PP products have obvious chemical smells when burning.

The surface of ABS lockers is shinier than that of PP's after spray paint.

Weight and hardness
PP products are lighter than ABS ones. ABS plastics are harder than the PP's.

ABS lockers will not deform and discolor when used, while PP lockers will deform and be easily damaged if used for a long time.

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